Can`t send Emails out .....

since almost one week i searching for my problem here.
I setup an outgoing emailaccount by using outgoiing email in Admin.
If I making a testmail it is all fine.
As user, if i want to send an email the system telling me allways: Cant send Email. Please contact the administrator.
I checked in user preferences - there is for outgoing mails the entry of the admin - outgoingmails.
But i still dont know why i cant send any mails …?

Maybe there is someone here who can help me with a tipp or something …

Thanks KASI


you should tell us your version of SuiteCRM. There are some email problems in v. 7.9.x.

You can also check your logs for any relevant error messages.

Im using the latest version - just installed 2 weeks ago so 7.9.6
i did update vom 7.9.5. to 7.9.6.
I cannot mail out , just testmail from admin panel

Maybe you can wait for 7.9.7, there a few email fixes in that version.

Thanks for answering.
I will wait for the next version of suite crm and upgrade if its available.

It was released today.

Thank you
But the download path is not working to upgrade …

Thank you but download is not working

Download link is not working

Alright, I hear you…

Maybe you have some popup blocker in your browser?

You can also download from SourceForge:

I got it.
I upgraded by admin panel
But its still the same problem.
I can send test from outgoing mail by admin
i cant send a email from emails. It shows always please contact administrator.

I would try deleting the account and entering the account again.

Then if the error persists you really must go into your logs like I told you above, and tell us a more technical error message.