How can i edit structure workflow in studio
Hello @AppaTheBison
you can create your own custom modules (with the Module Builder).
After deploying your modules, those will be available in the Studio for further customization.
Watch out there: After Studio customizations on a custom module, any further deployment, will override your Studio customizations.
As to:
Can you elaborate on that one?
What are you trying to achieve?
Hi, thanks for your response.
I’m trying to add a system of checkboxes to the workflow, which will correspond to a given status. When the status is in progress, I won’t be able to delete the given record, and when it is completed, it will delete itself
As for the workflow deletes a record:
This will soft-delete the record.
It is not visible anymore in the frontend afterwards.
But it’s still in the DB (at least the lead and it’s ID - relationships are being deleted).
In order to delete that record from the DB, you can activate your prune job:
(including your server cron job)
Not being able to delete a record can then be accomplished via the roles: