Can I Achieve this with SuiteCRM?

For a client that owns a Club (120 members) that has also a restaurant, I need to create an area for the client with these features:

Admin side:

The admin should be able to create custom filed for the members (Adress 1, Adress 2, Company, etc. etc.)
“Budget” will be one of this custom field: every member has an amount of money when they join the club. Money they can use for restaurant etc. (Balance)

The admin will have a “Add Bill” function where he can add Bills from the restaurant for every member. The amount of the Bill will be then detracted to the Members budget.
Example: The member Kevin White has a budget of 1000 Euros, he goes to the restaurant and spends 20. Actualized budget: 980 Euros.

The admin will have a section called “Members” where he can see an overview of the members, and for each member he can see the “Balance”.

The admin can send via email a report to the members with the Negativ “Balance”.

The admin can send Info E-Mail to all the members.

Can I achieve this with your plugin?

Or maybe can I build something similar with your Plugin?

Thanks in advance

Hi, welcome.

I don’t know what you’re calling “plug in”, but I assume you’re just talking about the SuiteCRM app itself (you can then add payed-for “add-ons” from the SuiteCRM store to extend functionality).

You should be able to achieve all that easily although some of the things might involve a little PHP programming (most of them don’t). You’ll find things easier if you can find some expert help to facilitate all this configuration and customization.

When you’re thinking about your entities (client, club, budget, etc) it’s good to spend some time learning about the SuiteCRM modules, because often you will just use one of the default modules and it will make things a lot easier. For example, do not add custom fields for address: just use Accounts (for companies) or Contacts (for people).

You can read this article to get into this kind of mentality:

I would also probably design your budget thing as an extension to the Products module. It currently doesn’t have the notion of Budget (or running account) but it does store the transactions (sales) made.