Campaigns messages - emails_text table how to prune?

Hello everyone, is there a way to delete all the previous messages sent through campaigns and recorded in the database? Now I unchecked the field “Keep copies of campaign messages” under Admin-> Campaign Email settings but I have all those previous autogenerated emails. I did a Prune database with the scheduler but I noiced that the messages are still in the emails_text table in the SQL database.
I don’t think there is a tool for that, but can I safely remove them from the SQL table I mentioned?
Any help appreciated.

Before deleting records in the database I would study the table schema and the dependencies/relationships between the tables.

You can start by inspecting it at the following address:

and here, for a more general view

At first sight the deletion seems safe. But, if I were you I would at least keep a copy of the table.


Thank you so much for you reply. …I hope this helps other people too.

I also noticed that on emails_text each record has a “delete” value. It’s of course 0 but when I delete the emails/messages from the CRM (under the account records) the records on that table are not marked as 1 (deleted). Is there another way to mark them 1?

I did notice the deleted field too but I have not understood yet how do you mark it as 1 from within the application