Campaign Ran Great ! Would like to hit anyone who did not open the first blast?

I know this has to be a noob question but I can’t seem to find the easy answer – and admittedly I’ve been spoiled by MailChimp…

How do you re-hit the list of Targets that did not open the first email (where hit count is zero) ??

Surely I can’t be the only person with this problem right?

In the Campaign Detail view --> Campaign Status page, the subpanels have a Add to TargetList button, did you try that?

Yes I tried that first but it doesn’t seem to actually add them to the list ?

I created a new target list, clicked that button on the “MESSAGE SENT/ATTMPTED” panel, select a new empty target list to add and it just closes the pop-up select window and doesn’t do anything…

What is your SuiteCRM version?

Do you see any errors in browser’s Javascript console?

Version 7.11.18
Sugar Version 6.5.25 (Build 344)

Not sure if this is related

You might want to disable the Chrome extension that is throwing that error (SourceMap)

In the network tab, do you see a request and a response happen when you click “Add to target list”? Please share details here.

I don’t find an extension by that name and on that hint i just tried it in Safari and it seems to have worked! Will do some more tests and digging around to see if I can find the offending plugin and to confirm that its working in Safari!

Now I guess the only issue is that it added EVERYONE back in and not just the HIT 0 members.

So I’m back to my original problem of re-sending it ONLY to the people who did not open it?

It looks like the list of people who did open it is working as expected so that I can nudge them with a different followup.

I could be completely wrong, I just took a quick glance at the code, but if you get a subpanel to include only the targets you want to send it to, then the Add to Target List should do what you need.


The existing Targeted subpanel seems to include all emails sent, regardless of opened/non-opened. Then the viewed registers the ones who did open it. What you need is the opposite - a new subpanel for unviewed.

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That’s EXACTLY what we need – and I’m kind of surprised that someone else has not stumbled upon this? Maybe most people are using some outside campaign manager?

What is the level of effort required to get this functionality?

You need to build that subpanel. The various subpanels seem to reference this function:

Maybe you can try understanding what is stored in the database activity_type etc and tweak that function so that it handles a new parameter value unviewed and generates the appropriate query…

Good luck

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Thanks for the hints!! I’ll take a look and tinker with it. Also happy to just pay someone to solve it for us – since I am certain it would have broad utility. Like I said above, I’m really surprised that we’re the first ones to stumble upon it since it seems like a core function of platforms like MailChimp and ConstantContact.

I was thinking worst case scenario I could probably just do database level query against two target lists to get the the ones NOT IN another list – I could see where some boolean / set logic on lists overall would have great utility.

Thanks again for your time and attention and insights!


I think the reason it hasn’t been done before is that it’s more common to send a second wave of emails to the ones that viewed or replied, than it is to insist on the ones who didn’t. It could be a bit too spammy for most situations…

Anyway, I just had an idea: try to do it from the Reports module

If you can get a report with both conditions (email sent AND NOT viewed status), then you can use the Reports result to add to target list.

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What you could do is

  • create an exclusion target list
  • Use Add to target list on the Viewed Message subpanel to this exclusion target list
  • send new emails to your existing target list + the exclusion target list
    All contacts except those who were in the viewed message list will receive the new email.
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I know that has been a common sentiment, but MailChimp actually encourages you to hit the unopened list 24 hours later and it has been my experience that we pick up another significant number of opens and very low opt-outs. Sometimes the message is not advertising but in our case sending updates to shareholders or soliciting voting on corporate actions. You see, not all email is unsolicited :innocent:

My plan here was to wait a week and hit both segments, the original non-opens with the same message or different subject and the positives with a follow-on as part of the engagement journey.

Fundamentally in sales theory you need to constantly work to fill “the top of the funnel” and if you have people who did not open the message this nudges them back in. Granted the count is usually based on ping-back pixel and some people like me have images turned off by default. But having built up our mail servers (I ran an ISP from 1994-2008) including a/v and spam – I’ve seen grey-listing (where it looks like a first time sender) cause mail to be marked as spam and blocked or bounced. So having a second hit from the same address usually goes through!

Traditional social psychology suggests that people need 5-7 impressions of something before they have “recall”.

In our situation a SINGLE new customer is HIGHLY valuable to us for our business model – even though it seems on average we have 12-18 month sell cycle. And again as I mentioned some of the communications are to shareholders.

I’ll look at your Report suggestion and the exclusion list option suggested by @blqt as well as digging into the code to see what it would take to create and add the sub-panel, though my first gut reaction is to just query the database directly to extract the target set and either spin a new Target List up via API, or just cut-copy-paste that list into MailChimp.

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I can’t find ANY hooks in Reporting related to the “open count” of an email campaign or Targets - List.

I’m starting to move from being “surprised” to being “concerned” – the ability to re-send a campaign or slightly modified one should be a basic 101 feature/benefit of a CRM system for the reasons I cited above – AND for the reason that “if something seems like SPAM that is not for a developer to decide” – let the users opt-out if they don’t like getting repeat emails!?

Look for the Campaign log table.

You’ll need to understand what the activity_type field means, I am not too sure about that but I think it should be enough to get what you need.

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