Campaign Prospect-list Subpanel


we just moved from 7.3 to the newest SuiteCRM and now have the following problems:

–>We had displayed the Prospect-Lists Subpanel in Accounts and Contacts ( from this description but now the PRospectlists will not be shown anymore in Accounts and Contacts.

–>We also figured out that in the DetailView of Campaigns now the ProspectLists will also not be shown any more. We do not like the Wizard. So my question: Is it possible to get the old EditView of Campaigns and also show the Prospect-List Subpanel in Campaign Detailview as with the old SuiteCRM?


sorry prospectlists were disabled in my settings.

BUT: ist there a possibility to get the old EditView of Campaigns back instead of this wizard?

I’d also be interested in this as the new wizard-based process seems to be buggy (e.g. when editing a marketing email record, changing template, etc.) & I can no longer find a way to send a marketing-email to multiple target lists, or to have multiple marketing emails in one campaign and choose which marketing email goes to which target list(s)… That’s a big step backwards.

Anyone? Should we be able to send Email/Newsletter-Campaigns to multiple target lists? Using multiple suppression lists as well?

I haven’t done it so what I am going to propose may not work.

Go into the folder upload/upgrades/patch/ and look for the folder with name ending with ‘-restore’ corresponding to the version that modified the campaigns wizard. (this depends on what upgrades you have implemented.

From that folder (after taking a full backup of everything of course, or even better trying first in a test copy) I would selectively restore the files of the campaigns module that have been changed).

The folder ending with ‘-restore’ should contain only the files that were modified with the upgrade.

Please note that this method is non-upgrade safe so, each time an upgrade modifies any of those files or other files that interact with them in some way you will have to take some action.