campaign not showing in target details


i’v created a target list and then I’ve created a campaign named “A” (not an email campaign) and assigned the target list (with only targets) to the campaign. I set the campaign as finished. But when I open one of the targets( that were on the target list i’ve assgnet to the campaign), the information of the campaign “A” isn’t there. Isn’t suppose to appear?
I’m a newbie…


Visually you will not be able to see the Campaign A in your target’s detailview. The relation to this modules is as below
1 campaign Many Targetlist
1 TargetList Many Targets(Contacts,Leads,etc)
So technically you can get the information that you want to view, But it has to be customized

then how can I customize it?

If I dont customize is, then what’s “campaing” tablet there for in the target details, if it doesn’l load the campaign?