Calls Module - How to autofill Related to id field when call is created from subpanel in contact view

Hi Guys,

When I create a new call from contacts subpanel, Related to id Field is leaving empty after save.

Assuming that if I create a call from contact subpanel it is related to that contact,
how can i autofill Related to ID filed with contact ID?

I tried a workflow with a calculate field and it partially works

(I get the ID first using Contacts : Contact: ID Raw value {R0} and than assing the value in Related ID field)

This works only if I save the record two times because the workflow is processed before of the build of relationship.

Is there any workaround can I use?

Hey there,

Are you still having this issue?

If so, could you shed a little more light on it?

I believe the way it works, Out of the box, is as follows:

  • On the Contact->Activities Subpanel, Log a Call:

  • When the Call is created, the Contact is related via the Calls->Contacts Subpanel:

  • Whereas the “Related to” field is populated with the Contact’s Account:

Is this not what you see?
Or have I perhaps misunderstood?

Could you perhaps give steps to replicate, or screenshots of the issue?

Hi Jhon, thanks for your reply.

My need is a little bit different, due to we don’t have an account, I need to populate the related to filed with the contact name.

I don’t think is actually an issue, I think need a little bit code modification, or I’m wrong?

Screen Shot 2021-07-28 at 9.07.10 AM

PS. I have same problem with meetings account. I need to view the contact name in dashlet view for a meeting, but I can’t add contact column in this view. So I found a workaround assigning contact name to “related to” field.

Hey there,

So, you’re right in that you would need to make Code-changes to achieve this, as the CRM grabs the Account as its default behaviour

However, I’ve had a look, and it seems fairly doable.
if you’re willing to make changes to the codebase, you can do the following:

  • Create a New file in custom/modules/Calls/views/ called "view.subpanelquickcreate.php"
    Like so: image

  • In this file, add the following:


class CallsSubpanelQuickcreate extends SubpanelQuickCreate {

public function CallsSubpanelQuickcreate() {
    $_REQUEST['parent_name'] = $_REQUEST['contact_name'];

  • Save the file and then run a “Quick Repair and Rebuild” (Via admin->Repair)

  • You may also wish to clear your Browser Cache, just to be safe.

Next time you use “Log Call” on the Contact->Activity subpanel, the “Related to” should autopopulate with the Contact itself.



Regarding this, I think it’s likely a limitation of the Dashlets i’m afraid.

As far as I’m aware, you can’t view Subpanel items on these, without Code Customisations
(Though if someone knows otherwise, or an easy way to achieve this, please let me know!)

However, you should be able to use “Related to” now, for this scenario, after the above code changes!