Call Reminder email Content

Hi all,

is it possible to modify the content of the email reminder for calls?
Right now the email comes like that.

Title: …
When: …
Created By: Administrator

I want to add the complete description to this reminder, so I know all details.
Also add the phone nr.

And if there is the direct link to the crm, this would be also great - other CRM systems work like that (related to link)

Anybody an idea? Please…


Look into the file

This has the email reminders in it search for call in this file you can find other templates that send related object in the template as well

Copy this file to custom/include/language and modify it to your needs

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One more question… I want add a LINK in the content of the mail reminder, to get directly to the related call in the CRM.
I tried <p>You may <a href={URL}>review this Lead</a>.</p>, but in the call reminder the link is not clickable.
Do I have to set some more relations?

Please look at this file

specifically the set_notification_body function this will help you understand how it’s working