So normally, I create a call/meeting/task from the record I want it related to. This normally works great and whatever record I create the activity from becomes the parent record related to the task/call/meeting.
HOWEVER, when I create a call or a meeting from a contact, the parent relationship that gets populated is to the account.
Am I imagining things? Did it always work this way or is this a bug?
The fact that the call is related to the account is important.
Then, you can have a 360° view of the activities with an account as it shows all calls to all contacts of the account.
Please note that the contact is added as a participant to the call, so the call is also visible under the contact.
Unfortunately, this is no longer the case with SuiteCRM 8 and the call would not be visible in the account’s Activities subpanel.
What I ended up doing was building a custom subpanel in Accounts that pulls calls and other activites from related contacts, quotes, opportunties, etc that are related to the account. You end up with a subpanel with ALL activities that are related to the Account.
It was extremely complicated, many files php and JS had to be edited/changed in order to accomplish this, it took me weeks to figure it all out. When you make a new history subpanel, you have to duplicate all the “filter” and the “view summary” functionality along with the layout and the sort by columns functionality, etc etc. It’s a huge job.