Call Relation to Contact (quick create) seems wrong

So normally, I create a call/meeting/task from the record I want it related to. This normally works great and whatever record I create the activity from becomes the parent record related to the task/call/meeting.

HOWEVER, when I create a call or a meeting from a contact, the parent relationship that gets populated is to the account.

Am I imagining things? Did it always work this way or is this a bug?

I’ve seen this in other parts of the CRM (compose window, if I’m not mistaken), I guess some people prefer it like this…

It winds me up to no end :sweat_smile: have experienced this!

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The fact that the call is related to the account is important.
Then, you can have a 360° view of the activities with an account as it shows all calls to all contacts of the account.
Please note that the contact is added as a participant to the call, so the call is also visible under the contact.

Unfortunately, this is no longer the case with SuiteCRM 8 and the call would not be visible in the account’s Activities subpanel.

I think if you check demo instance, it is displaying call record under activity subpanel.


Sorry, but I just tried again on suite8demo

  • go to a contact
  • create a call in activity subpanel
  • go to the account of the contact
  • the call is not visible in the activity subpanel
    it is properly visible in the contact activity subpanel

What I ended up doing was building a custom subpanel in Accounts that pulls calls and other activites from related contacts, quotes, opportunties, etc that are related to the account. You end up with a subpanel with ALL activities that are related to the Account.

Oh that’s awesome! How did you build that custom subpanel? Do you have any video on it?

It was extremely complicated, many files php and JS had to be edited/changed in order to accomplish this, it took me weeks to figure it all out. When you make a new history subpanel, you have to duplicate all the “filter” and the “view summary” functionality along with the layout and the sort by columns functionality, etc etc. It’s a huge job.