
I want to set my calendar time to start that can not be previous time since its introduction, is possible?

Could you please elaborate the question more ??

I want to insert a date in the calendar but I want the date which shall not be a date that has passed.
New today are in 21/08/2014 and I want to make an appointment on 8/20/2014, I want to make work that is not possible.

Okay, as I understand, you want your calendar to start showing appointments from the current date. If that is so, you have to edit the calendar.php file in /modules/Calendar/

Normally to customize code you have to do it in the custom folder but calendar did not support the custom folder previously, I do not know if it does now. Customization in the custom folder are upgrade safe.

Thanks sid, i try to make this modify in calendar.php.
Has anyone done this modification, if so it please help me.

Cool. You can compare the requested date with the current date and if it is less than that you can throw an exception and stop the script from executing further.

1 Like

Unfortunately we did not solve the problem.

Oh !! Why so ??

I’ll take a look and get back to you.


You use two variables, in calendar.php, $date_arr[‘day’] and $today->day. Follow the steps below:

  1. Declare $today = $timedate->getNow(true); above ‘// if date is not set in request use current date’ so that you get the current date globally in the page.

  2. Just below ‘// if date is not set in request use current date’ condition, use the check:

                   if($date_arr['day'] < $today->day){
                                 // Your custom code to redirect / exit the user if the requested date is less than the current date.

And there you go, hope this helps !


I could not, is not work.

Oh !! Well it works at my end.

I forgot to mention you should ‘Repair and rebuild’ from Admin Panel after any code customization.

Can you post here the full code from Calendar.php?


I’ve posted an image of the portion of the page I’ve have put the customized code in, the rest of the page is the same.

Also, you make changes in /modules/Calendar/calendar.php

and not on the one in the custom folder. Do a quick repair and rebuild after you place the customized code.

Hi sid,

I make this modification but is not work, i make a appointment on 24.


Did you do a quick repair and rebuild?

Also please post the complete file path on which you’re making changes.

Hi sid,

Yes, i make quick repair and rebuild.

Please post the complete file path in which you’re making changes.

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class Calendar {
	public $view = 'week'; // current view
	public $style; // calendar style (basic or advanced)
	public $dashlet = false; // if is displayed in dashlet	
	public $date_time; // current date
	public $show_tasks = true;
	public $show_calls = true;
	public $show_completed = true;
	public $enable_repeat = true;	

	public $time_step = 60; // time step of each slot in minutes
	public $acts_arr = array(); // Array of activities objects	
	public $items = array(); // Array of activities data to be displayed	
	public $shared_ids = array(); // ids of users for shared view
	public $cells_per_day; // entire 24h day count of slots 	
	public $grid_start_ts; // start timestamp of calendar grid
	public $day_start_time; // working day start time in format '11:00'
	public $day_end_time; // working day end time in format '11:00'
	public $scroll_slot; // first slot of working day
	public $celcount; // count of slots in a working day	

     * @var bool $print Whether is print mode.
    private $print = false;
	 * constructor
	 * @param string $view 
	 * @param array $time_arr 
	function __construct($view = "day", $time_arr = array()){
		global $current_user, $timedate, $current_language;
		$this->view = $view;		

			$this->view = 'week';
		$date_arr = array();
			$_REQUEST['day'] = intval($_REQUEST['day']);
			$_REQUEST['month'] = intval($_REQUEST['month']);

		if (!empty($_REQUEST['day']))
			$date_arr['day'] = $_REQUEST['day'];
		if (!empty($_REQUEST['month']))
			$date_arr['month'] = $_REQUEST['month'];
		if (!empty($_REQUEST['week']))
			$date_arr['week'] = $_REQUEST['week'];

		if (!empty($_REQUEST['year'])){
			if ($_REQUEST['year'] > 2037 || $_REQUEST['year'] < 1970){
                $calendarStrings = return_module_language($current_language, 'Calendar');
			$date_arr['year'] = $_REQUEST['year'];

			$_REQUEST['day'] = "";
			$_REQUEST['week'] = "";
			$_REQUEST['month'] = "";
			$_REQUEST['year'] = "";

		// if date is not set in request use current date
		$today = $timedate->getNow(true);
		if(empty($date_arr)  ||  !isset($date_arr['year'] ) ||  !isset($date_arr['month'] )  ||  !isset($date_arr['day'] )  ) {
		 //$today = $timedate->getNow(true) ; 
			$date_arr = array(
					'year' => $today->year,
					'month' => $today->month,
					'day' => $today->day,
					if($date_arr['day']  < $today->day) {
					echo  'previous day' ;exit;
		$current_date_db = $date_arr['year']."-".str_pad($date_arr['month'],2,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT)."-".str_pad($date_arr['day'],2,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT);
		$this->date_time = $GLOBALS['timedate']->fromString($current_date_db);	
		$this->show_tasks = $current_user->getPreference('show_tasks');
			$this->show_tasks = SugarConfig::getInstance()->get('calendar.show_tasks_by_default',true);
		$this->show_calls = $current_user->getPreference('show_calls');
			$this->show_calls = SugarConfig::getInstance()->get('calendar.show_calls_by_default',true);
		// Show completed Meetings, Calls, Tasks
        $this->show_completed = $current_user->getPreference('show_completed');
            $this->show_completed = SugarConfig::getInstance()->get('calendar.show_completed_by_default', true);
		$this->enable_repeat = SugarConfig::getInstance()->get('calendar.enable_repeat',true);	

			$this->style = "basic";	
			$displayTimeslots = $GLOBALS['current_user']->getPreference('calendar_display_timeslots');
			if (is_null($displayTimeslots)) {
				$displayTimeslots = SugarConfig::getInstance()->get('calendar.display_timeslots', true);
			if ($displayTimeslots) {
				$this->style = "advanced";
			} else {
				$this->style = "basic";
		$this->day_start_time = $current_user->getPreference('day_start_time');
			$this->day_start_time = SugarConfig::getInstance()->get('calendar.default_day_start',"08:00");
		$this->day_end_time = $current_user->getPreference('day_end_time');
			$this->day_end_time = SugarConfig::getInstance()->get('calendar.default_day_end',"19:00");
		if($this->view == "day"){
			$this->time_step = SugarConfig::getInstance()->get('calendar.day_timestep',15);
		}else if($this->view == "week" || $this->view == "shared"){
			$this->time_step = SugarConfig::getInstance()->get('calendar.week_timestep',30);
		}else if($this->view == "month"){
			$this->time_step = SugarConfig::getInstance()->get('calendar.month_timestep',60);
			$this->time_step = 60;
		$this->cells_per_day = 24 * (60 / $this->time_step);		
	 * Load activities data to array
	public function load_activities(){
		$field_list = CalendarUtils::get_fields();
		foreach($this->acts_arr as $user_id => $acts){	
			foreach($acts as $act){
					$item = array();
					$item['user_id'] = $user_id;
					$item['module_name'] = $act->sugar_bean->module_dir;
					$item['type'] = strtolower($act->sugar_bean->object_name);
					$item['assigned_user_id'] = $act->sugar_bean->assigned_user_id;
					$item['record'] = $act->sugar_bean->id;		
					$item['name'] = $act->sugar_bean->name;
						$item['duration_hours'] = $act->sugar_bean->duration_hours;
						$item['duration_minutes'] = $act->sugar_bean->duration_minutes;
					$item['detail'] = 0;
					$item['edit'] = 0;
						$item['detail'] = 1;						
						$item['edit'] = 1;					
						$item['detail'] = 0;
						$item['edit'] = 0;
						$item['repeat_parent_id'] = $act->sugar_bean->repeat_parent_id;					
					if($item['detail'] == 1){
							foreach($field_list[$item['module_name']] as $field){
								if(!isset($item[$field]) && isset($act->sugar_bean->$field)){
									$item[$field] = $act->sugar_bean->$field;
										$item[$field] = "";

                    if (!empty($act->sugar_bean->parent_type) && !empty($act->sugar_bean->parent_id)) {
                        $focus = BeanFactory::getBean($act->sugar_bean->parent_type, $act->sugar_bean->parent_id);
                        // If the bean wasn't loaded, e.g. insufficient permissions
                        if (!empty($focus))
                            $item['related_to'] = $focus->name;

					if(!isset($item['duration_hours']) || empty($item['duration_hours']))
						$item['duration_hours'] = 0;
					if(!isset($item['duration_minutes']) || empty($item['duration_minutes']))
						$item['duration_minutes'] = 0;	
					$item = array_merge($item,CalendarUtils::get_time_data($act->sugar_bean));			
					$this->items[] = $item;
	 * initialize ids of shared users
	public function init_shared(){
		global $current_user;
		$user_ids = $current_user->getPreference('shared_ids');
		if(!empty($user_ids) && count($user_ids) != 0 && !isset($_REQUEST['shared_ids'])) {
			$this->shared_ids = $user_ids;
		}else if(isset($_REQUEST['shared_ids']) && count($_REQUEST['shared_ids']) > 0){
			$this->shared_ids = $_REQUEST['shared_ids'];
			$current_user->setPreference('shared_ids', $_REQUEST['shared_ids']);
			$this->shared_ids = array($current_user->id);				
	 * Calculate timestamp the calendar grid should be started from 
	protected function calculate_grid_start_ts(){
		if($this->view == "week" || $this->view == "shared"){
			$week_start = CalendarUtils::get_first_day_of_week($this->date_time);
			$this->grid_start_ts = $week_start->format('U') + $week_start->getOffset(); 
		}else if($this->view == "month"){
			$month_start = $this->date_time->get_day_by_index_this_month(0);
			$week_start = CalendarUtils::get_first_day_of_week($month_start);
			$this->grid_start_ts = $week_start->format('U') + $week_start->getOffset(); // convert to timestamp, ignore tz
		}else if($this->view == "day"){
			$this->grid_start_ts = $this->date_time->format('U') + $this->date_time->getOffset();
	 * calculate count of timeslots per visible day, calculates day start and day end in minutes 
	function calculate_day_range(){	
		list($hour_start,$minute_start) =  explode(":",$this->day_start_time);		
		list($hour_end,$minute_end) =  explode(":",$this->day_end_time);
		$this->scroll_slot = intval($hour_start * (60 / $this->time_step) + ($minute_start / $this->time_step));
		$this->celcount = (($hour_end * 60 + $minute_end) - ($hour_start * 60 + $minute_start)) / $this->time_step;
	 * loads array of objects
	 * @param User $user user object
	 * @param string $type
	public function add_activities($user,$type='sugar'){
		global $timedate;
		$start_date_time = $this->date_time;
		if($this->view == 'week' || $this->view == 'shared'){		
			$start_date_time = CalendarUtils::get_first_day_of_week($this->date_time);
			$end_date_time = $start_date_time->get("+7 days");
		}else if($this->view == 'month'){
			$start_date_time = $this->date_time->get_day_by_index_this_month(0);	
			$end_date_time = $start_date_time->get("+".$start_date_time->format('t')." days");
			$start_date_time = CalendarUtils::get_first_day_of_week($start_date_time);
			$end_date_time = CalendarUtils::get_first_day_of_week($end_date_time)->get("+7 days");
			$end_date_time = $this->date_time->get("+1 day");
		$start_date_time = $start_date_time->get("-5 days"); // 5 days step back to fetch multi-day activities that

		$acts_arr = array();
	    	if($type == 'vfb')
				$acts_arr = CalendarActivity::get_freebusy_activities($user, $start_date_time, $end_date_time);
				$acts_arr = CalendarActivity::get_activities($user->id, $this->show_tasks, $start_date_time, $end_date_time, $this->view, $this->show_calls, $this->show_completed);
	    	$this->acts_arr[$user->id] = $acts_arr;	 

	 * Get date string of next or previous calendar grid
	 * @param string $direction next or previous
	 * @return string
	public function get_neighbor_date_str($direction){
		if($direction == "previous")
			$sign = "-";
			$sign = "+";
		if($this->view == 'month'){
            $day = $this->date_time->get_day_by_index_this_month(0)->get($sign."1 month")->get_day_begin(1);
		}else if($this->view == 'week' || $this->view == 'shared'){
			$day = CalendarUtils::get_first_day_of_week($this->date_time);
			$day = $day->get($sign."7 days");
		}else if($this->view == 'day'){
			$day = $this->date_time->get($sign."1 day")->get_day_begin();
		}else if($this->view == 'year'){
            		$day = $this->date_time->get($sign."1 year")->get_day_begin();
            $calendarStrings = return_module_language($GLOBALS['current_language'], 'Calendar');
            return $calendarStrings['ERR_NEIGHBOR_DATE'];
		return $day->get_date_str();

    public function setPrint($print)
        $this->print = $print;
    public function isPrint()
        return $this->print;



Well I had only asked for the file path but good you provided the code :wink:

Also give me the location of this file.