I am using Bitnami’s SuiteCRM stack to host the software on my PC. I have opened a WAN port so SuiteCRM can be made accessible to people outside of my local network.
The URL contain the dynamic IP address with port number. I know this isn’t the best setup but it is a start.
The calendar path is wrong as it is not showing the actual path with IP address and port.
Calendar Options
Publish at my location: http://Devin-PC:80/suitecrm/vcal_server.php/type=vfb&source=outlook&key=test&email=Devin.Currie@maplecomm.ca
Search location: http://Devin-PC:80/suitecrm/vcal_server.php/type=vfb&key=test&email=%NAME%@%SERVER%
iCal integration URL: http://Devin-PC:80/suitecrm/ical_server.php?type=ics&key=test&email=Devin.Currie@maplecomm.ca
Where can I update this system wide? In other words, change http://Devin-PC:80 to system-wide.