I am working od polish translation on crowdin.com and I cannot find strings to translate calendar (or they do not exist)
All strings related to calendar (months, days of the week and hours) seem to be translated, but it doesn’t affect the calendar and resource calendar.
I couldnt find strings representing abbreviations of the days of the week in resources calendar (M, T, W, T, F, S, S - abbrevioations are not unequivocal what may cause problems with translation).
Can you help me find the files and strings related to calendar and resources calendar?
I cannot add print screen to the forum.
Can you post a print screen from latest SuiteCRM version showing where the english values are visible instead of Polish ones?
Also note : You need to uninstall previous language pack before installing a new one for the same language (and a quick rebuild)
And here is calendar: http://img4.imagetitan.com/img.php?image=15_calendar670.png
I have installed the language properly.
In local settings I have set 24hours time so, judging by 12 hour setting of the calendar and english names of the days of the week (all the strings 1AM, 3PM in the polish translation are translated to 1:00, 15:00 etc, and all days of the week are translated) calendar doesn’t use language files.
reported as a bug here:
Calendar days and hours are not translated · Issue #330 · salesagility/SuiteCRM - https://github.com/salesagility/SuiteCRM/issues/330
Please make a reply there confirming the problem and make a vote on the top message so Salesagility team can find that issue relevant
I found the solution with proposal #2498