CalDAV, CardDAV support as a client and server

I try to make my code “release ready” within the next weeks. Still hackish, but maybe usable.

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Thanks for that. Don’t spend too much work into that as I am going to change it anyway.
My goal is to OpenSource it and make it available on Github and/or Sourceforge.

Roadmap is to have a one-way synchronization of Calendar, Tasks, Contacts and FP_Events.

Can you give me your github name, first i only want to keep the repo private because it is so hackish.
But of course you can do what you like with it, or we can work together on that.

Let’s work together on this one.
My github name is cperrot same as SuiteCRM

I cannot contribute but wanted to let you know this would be awesome!

Have you got your solution?

Be patient young padawan :slight_smile:
Code is finished for one-way sync from SuiteCRM -> wherever.

We have to clean up the repository and upload the final version.

Watch this space in the coming days.

Its available now.

have fun using it. Any feedback is appreciated.

Are you still facing the issue? If so, then you can get the safest way to generate card details online.

Can you please explain the relevance of your post?

BUMP: There should be a combined effort to bring closer integration with NextCloud IMHO --I would be willing to help fund / develop a WebDAV integration for sure, but honestly a CalDAV would be a critical success first off since it would be integrated with everything else we’re using…


Sure let me know what you have in mind. Full integration with bidirectional synchronization.

Well a good first step (if I were going to hack this out) would be simply read-only – like pull a feed from a caldav account. The ability to have workflows create calendar appointments that were pushed back to the caldav server would obviously be worth more.

I’ve been using the Implicit plugin on outlook to keep suitcrm and outlook synced (when it works), then using CAlDav Synchronization to sync with nextcloud. It works, but prone to issues. This looks like a potentially good option, but I need to spend some time checking it out first.

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You guys might be interested in this recent news

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Is there a solution for bidirectional CalDAV synchronization for SuiteCRM users and their own CalDAV server?

As far as I know there is none. But why not implement it yourself.

you have one directional already.

Pardon my limited knowledge, but I have not been able to find clear information on whether this bidirectional sync with CardDAV has been incorporated in some way, nor whether the NextCloud integration has occurred as mentioned above. Can anyone give an update?

BUMP - We use Nextcloud’s calendar engine and CalDAV is how we plug into to allow clients to schedule and book appointments. It all works seamlessly from our Macs bidirectionally!

The UI in Suitecrm is pretty nice but without integration is completely useless to us at the moment.

About the best utility we could extract at this time would be to synchronize FROM Nextcloud and try and connect people via email address back to their UUID’s for historical context.

Low ROI for sure other than laying the groundwork for bi-directional. Maybe I can get an intern to work on it :wink: