Cache, again as this is not crystal clear!

Hi everyone,

I’m not sure of what I can or cant do with the cache folder.

In SuiteCRM8.5, I can see 2 caches folders :

  • Cache on the root level of the CRM containing only a folder “prod”.
  • Cache in Public/legacy.
  1. Why do I get 2 cache folder in SuiteCRM8 ?
  2. Can I manually empty this folder completely without crashing the CRM with a simple “rm -r *” ?

Why ? I cannot actually perform a “quick repair and rebuild” to clean the cache (I get an “unexpected error” even after verify the chmod and chown for the whole site), and I want to clean the cache to rebuilt it correctly as I want to make some changes…

Thanks for your help

On the root level, that cache folder is the Symfony cache. There are Symfony console commands to clear it, but I think it is also ok to simply delete it and it gets rebuilt.

The public/legacy/cache is a different thing, that is a SuiteCRM folder and has many different types of contents, not all of them are ok to delete.

This was discussed here:

make sure you check out a link there that chris001 posted

Thanks a lot both of you :slight_smile:

Ok, I dont mess up with the cache folder as I understand there are not only “cache” but contains informations no where else.

I read the post you gave me PGR, Thanks again :slight_smile:

This is quite complicate then as the quick repair and rebuild does not work on my CRM (unexpected error, no trace in any log file, chmod ok, chown ok…).

Not obvious…

On this page : SugarCRM cache directory - it is NOT a cache directory! - Academe Computing
I can see a list of what is removable and what is not.

This list is correct for SuiteCRM 8.5.0 too ?

Thanks :slight_smile:

That list is correct for v8 also, but in what regards the public/legacy/cache directory.

Hi everyone,
Ok, I keep having the issue to be unable to “quick repair and rebuild” from Admin menu “repair”.

I have checked chown, chmod (02775 - 0644)

What could be your advice to find what giving me “unexpected error” and send me back to the dashboard every time I click on “quick repair and rebuild”…

Thanks for your help and your time,

Check public/legacy/suitecrm.log

Check your php_errors.log, wherever you configured your web server to put it in.

Check for Javascript errors in the browser’s dev console.

Hi Pgr,
I have nothing in Suitecrm.log, I have activate the error log on the server, and I have no issue in the console.

I’m going to run the command this week end as I have seen a result of the issue : if I click on “quick repair”, I get the error and after that, I cannot access anymore to many part of the CRM (dashboard, admin, etc…) as I get then a page with the menu only (no more items in the page).

I will do this on the week end because I will be able to get the error.log and after that to restore the full folder. I will then have (I hope !) the reasons…

By the way, in the error.log, I already have many many “deprecated” log…

Thanks for the method Pgr,


Don’t worry about deprecateds, they’re messages for future developers, nothing to worry about for the current moment.

Make sure your web server user (you can find out which one it is by looking at the cron instructions in Admin / Schedulers) is the same you’re using to set the ownerships in the file system.

Also check that that user name matches what you have in config.php, section default_permissions

Hi everyone,
Ok, I have to wait on Sunday to be sure that nobody was working on the CRM and be able to restore the CRM if I have a fatal issue.

In error.log : nothing else than deprecated
In suitecrm.log, I have imapHandler trying to use i non valid ressource stream (I always have this error on the mailbox but the emails work).
Nothing also in the console raise.
All the permissions and chown are corrects.
Default permission did not change in the config file.

But I still having an “unexpected error” and send back to home when I try to use “quick repair and rebuild”.

The only change : when I was trying this before, the dashboard and admin was broken, but now, it seems nothing seems broken (I can open the dashboard, the admin panels, etc… while I cant before).
So, all seems to be ok, but I get this “unexpected error on action call”…

What could I try to see what is the error or solve it ? Maybe someone had this also and found a way to solve this ?

For the record, I have only add fields in the Studio, change some forms to use these new fields, change the pdf generator (AOS PDF…) but all was correctly working before.

This is quite a big issue as if I need to “repair and rebuilt”, it will not work and I will be stuck…

Thanks for your help and ideas,

Ok, I was thinking all was ok, but this have broke the email parameters (working with OAUTH on
How this could happens ? It seems emails configuration generate then an issue but I dont know how to fix this : the email are working correctly if I dont repair…

Thanks for your ideas,

Do you see anything like a FATAL or an ERROR in your logs, both during QR&R or when rendering the screens that are broken?

That’s my biggest issue : nothing in error.log, suitecrm.log, console. That’s why I dont understand…