Button Double click issue

Good Day

I have a module have 3 Botton ( Edit , Delete , Submit ) , My issue with Submit Button .

when Agent ( A ) click that button the request must be assigned to his Supervisor ( B)
But If the Agent double clicked Submit that request goes from Agent ( A ) to Manager ( C) directly
A : Agent that reporting to supervisor
B : Super Visor that reporting to manager
C : Manager

I wont to stop that issue

My Code is

'buttons' => array (
				0 => 'EDIT',
				1 => 'DELETE',
				2 => array ('customCode' => '<input id="SubmitOrderButton" title="{$MOD.LBL_SUBMIT_BUTTON}" class="button" type="button" name="SubmitOrderButton" value="{$MOD.LBL_SUBMIT_BUTTON}" onclick="var _form = document.getElementById(\'formDetailView\'); _form.return_module.value=\'Service_Orders\'; _form.return_action.value=\'DetailView\'; _form.return_id.value=\'{$fields.id.value}\'; _form.action.value=\'submitorder\'; _form.module.value=\'Service_Orders\'; SUGAR.ajaxUI.submitForm(_form);">',),

Thank You


more than a SuiteCRM question, maybe you can just explore generic answers for this issue, for example: