Bulk Action - Mass Update / Select All Not Working

SuiteCRM 8.2.3 and 8.2.4
PHP 8.x
MySQL 8.0.31
MS Windows

Due to a senior personnel change we need to re-assign all of our Product records to a new user id. There are over 900 in total.

Selecting records in the list view individually or as a full page - 20 records, the Bulk Actions - Mass Update works fine.

However, if we select all, it shows the system message at the top of the screen
“Selecting all records is not available for this action. Please select individual records.”

For this volume of a simple change, this is a real pain. Effectively 45 separate updates as well as the selections etc… or having to do a full export and re-import.

We can’t locate the mass update code to identify if there is a simple fix and can’t see any setting in the admin area where we can override this. We have tried fooling it by selecting 2 records and then selecting All after the Mass Update screen has appeared but it still does the check and fails.

If anyone can suggest a fix that would be excellent as we also now have a couple of new fields that have been requested to add to a number of the marketing tables (Accounts, Contacts and Campaigns, much larger volumes), which this would be a great use for without having to create import sheets and do a create and update import.

Any help gratefully received.

You might be able to do it with an “all records” workflow, but make sure you have backups or that you fully understand how it’s going to work.

I would definitely do it with phpMyAdmin, directly in SQL in the database.

Ok thank you. Will give it a try.

This might help

And the initial part here

OK. I set up the workflow - very straightforward.

I then went into one of the product records and did and edit and save. The Assigned User was changed perfectly so the workflow works. We have used workflows for other things so this part was very straightforward.

Where the problem arises is in the scheduler. This is something that we don’t use at all.
We run our test system in WAMP, but I assume that I need to set up a windows Scheduler task. The instructions at the bottom of the scheduler for windows are actually wrong. php.exe for WAMP resides elsewhere so I probably need to look at how to re-engineer this in order for it to work.

However, I set up a scheduler job, copying one that was already there but when it asks for a Job URL, I have no idea what to enter here, so left it blank.

As a result, no scheduled job, so the only records that show success in the Workflow view are those record where I have manually saved the record.

The good news is however that the workflow does do the job.

We now need to figure out how to get cron working on our test system and this should do the trick.

Thank you. I will update this once we have done it.

Works Perfectly, thank you @pgr .

So all that I did was create the batch file in Windows Notepad. Called it Schedule.bat.

Be Aware- the instructions at the bottom of the SuiteCRM Scheduler screen should not be taken as is. The cd/D statement is fine (use your own path if different) but the second line should read something like <your path to php.exe eg c:\wamp64\bin\php.…>php.exe -f cron.php.

Otherwise the batch file will error and if you haven’t got a pause statement in there it will just flash through and you wont know unless you start diving into logs.

Once it runs, the SuiteCRM Scheduler works like a charm and does what it says.

We have set this up to run in Windows Task Scheduler to fire up the batch file on system start-up so that it is there and running. This changed all of the records (840 in total) in background in about 5 minutes, with no failures.

We have now de-activated the old user and all works fine. We will do this on the production server this afternoon, so that everyone is happy come Tuesday morning :slight_smile:

This may seem like overkill but our overall objective is simple. rather than have to rely on skilled coders to do admin tasks, we want a SysAdmin to look after all of these tasks and processes from within the system. That way the developers can get on with key project activity and the administration of the system goes straight to the Sys Admin team who look after all application admin and security.

Many thanks for the pointer and detail on this which has also enhanced our knowledge of the scheduler, which may come in handy elsewhere.

Thanks again.

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