Bulk Action does not work in version 8.2.1

Bulk Actions do not work in SuiteCRM 8.2.1. I select Leads, Targets, etc and then click a Bulk Action like Mass Update and nothing happens. I have tried it with Chrome and Microsoft Edge. Please help.


Does anyone have an update of when we can expect the Bulk Action to work?


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Hi @drinksi I have the same problem using 8.2.4 version …so newes versions have the same problem. Anyway, if you refresh the page (F5) it works …

I can confirm that this workaround works.

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This is fixed in v8.4.2 :+1:

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I’m having this issue in 8.6.0. Cannot mass update leads. I get “selecting all records not available for this action”.

As an update… I found a workaround…I can select a couple of records, then mass update, then while the mass update popup is open, change the selection to “all records”

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Nice find. Still a bug. Still must be fixed.