Built In Alert Notifications From Custom Endpoint Or Logic Hook For Global, Group, Role, or User?

I currently have an endpoint I am working on that sends a Global alert to all users by enumerating all users and creating 1 alert for every specific user. I was wondering, does SuiteCRM already have a BUILT IN method that would allow me to create a Global, Group, or Role type of Alert Notification from my endpoint or logic hook?

Something that lets you set the type of alert you want to send like user, global, group, or role then pass the corresponding ID(none for global) of the target type?

I was just wondering before I go and create the functionality myself.

Thanks guys.

Did you check the alert module?

While SuiteCRM doesn’t have a single built-in function to create global, group, or role-based alerts with a single method call and a target type, you can leverage existing functionalities to achieve this:

SuiteCRM doesn’t have a single built-in function to create global groups or role-based alerts with a single method call. Other options that could work are
Use Alerts Bean and set Alert Properties with target users.