Bugs and Projects don't show on menu bar

Weirdly, Bugs and Projects items cease to appear in menus, I think after my first rebuild run.
The modules are active and can be access through account etc. No change to them made on Studio.

There was a topic here that may have a similar problem and his solution was granting all permission to Apache. I don’t know if this is my problem but I am on share hosting and can’t grant permission to Apache.

I have noticed that while rebuild some extra files are created and those own by Apache, but those are created all over the system, not only in those modules - so I don’t know if this has to do with this problem.

Any help would be appreciated.


BTW I’m on PHP 5.2.17. It that may cause the problem?
I’ve read here that some problems solved after upgrading to php 5.3.

also Project Tasks is not showing.

All the above items do show when in one of its views - edit, detail, search and so is the activities menu (first item). But only the item its view is displayed is shown.

Solved - the modules in question where in hidden modules list in Display Modules and Subpanels in Admin. Don’t know why, Haven’t been there before.

Project Tasks doesn’t show in menu - should it be?