If you’ve created a Note with a specific Subject, this Subject will show up in the Notes list overview.
But if you want to edit the subject, the sentence doesn’t appear in the Subject field so you need to type in the complete new Subject title.
Could this please be fixed?
Which SuiteCRM version you are using?
The subject appears if we quick edit the records from List View.
Can you please send a screenshot here?
Let me refrase my problem to make it more clear:
We’re running SuiteCRM version 7.10. We’ve created several Notes with specific Subjects. These Subjects are correctly shown in the Notes list view.
But if we want to edit a specific Subject, the Subject-sentence doesn’t appear in the Subject field (the field is completely blank), so we need to type in the complete new Subject title.
Please also take a look at my GitHub post covering the same issue. It contains several screen prints of the problem
Could this please be fixed?
Thanks for your time!!
can you please share your CRM logs?
I have the same version installed. It is working fine. Have you done any custom coding there?
Can you please restore you view.edit.php file (if there) and editviewdefs.php in metadata folder to default.
view.edit.php file should be there in modules/Notes/metadata folder.
No, we didn’t do any custom coding. The problem occures right out of the box.
The view.edit.php doesn’t exist in het folder you mentioned, but editviewdefs.php does. How do I restore this file?
I will try to see if I can create a CRM log (never done this before, so need to look into it)
Thanks for your time and help/suggestions. Appreciate it very much.
To restore Editviewdefs.php means, remove the same name file from custom/modules/Notes/metadata folder. If that file is not there then no issue.
And for Logs, you don’t have to create them. They are automatically created.
Please check the root folder of your CRM and check the files sugarcrm.log file.
I took a look at the sugarcrm.log file: it doesn’t contain anything. Is that correct?
I wanted to restore the Editviewdefs.php following your suggestion, but I would like to verify if the path you mentioned is correct. Shouldn’t this be:
SuiteCRM/modules/Notes/metadata (so without starting from ‘custom’)?
If so: it seems the metadata folder is ‘read only’ and I am not able to change the permissions through Plesk :(. Any other suggestions?
Please remove the file from Custom/modules/Notes/metadata folder. As this is the custom file. The default file will remain there. This file will be there in modules/notes/metadata folder.
And please set the permissions to the CRM by looking into this link.
sudo chmod -R 755 .
sudo chmod -R 775 cache custom modules themes data upload config_override.php
Thanks (Please contact me via Skype (sohaib.majeed44) if more help is required.)
as replying again and again via text and understanding the issue takes more time.
I’m sorry, but our SuiteCRM/custom/modules directory doesn’t contain the ‘Notes’ folder. Should it contain this folder by default?
I will put the chmod requirements forward to the developer.
When issue keeps occuring, I will contact you though Skype.
Thanks for your time and help again!
In this case there is no customization.
Also try to switch to another theme from the list of available themes for testing purposes and check if this fixes the issue.
If you mean Day, Dusk and Night, I also experience issues with this and joined this thread to address my issue here: https://suitecrm.com/suitecrm/forum/suite-themes/17290-custom-suitep-sub-themes-more-contrast
Please try permissions and Ownership settings. And let you check it this fixes the issue.
I will, thanks for your extremely fast replies/support!!!
Sorry for bothering you again: earlier you asked me to check the sugarcrm.log file (which I did as mentioned), but I just saw that there’s also a suitecrm.log file. I have checked it and this log does contain quite a few errors (I excluded repeated issues):
Tue Feb 27 15:00:17 2018 [545][cb2d0542-586d-d691-98cd-5a9570fccb9f][FATAL] ERROR: rmdir_recursive(): argument cache/themes/SuiteP/modules is not a file or a dir.
Tue Feb 27 15:00:36 2018 [545][cb2d0542-586d-d691-98cd-5a9570fccb9f][FATAL] field_defs should be an array
Tue Feb 27 15:02:05 2018 [1444][1][FATAL] field_defs should be an array
Tue Feb 27 15:02:22 2018 [1444][1][FATAL] field_defs should be an array
Tue Feb 27 15:04:05 2018 [2108][cb2d0542-586d-d691-98cd-5a9570fccb9f][FATAL] Undefined index: module
Tue Feb 27 15:04:05 2018 [2108][cb2d0542-586d-d691-98cd-5a9570fccb9f][FATAL] Invalid or missing SubPanelDefinition property: subpanel_name
Tue Feb 27 15:04:05 2018 [2108][cb2d0542-586d-d691-98cd-5a9570fccb9f][FATAL] Failed to load original or custom subpanel data for eapm in
Tue Feb 27 15:05:56 2018 [2487][cb2d0542-586d-d691-98cd-5a9570fccb9f][FATAL] field_defs should be an array
Sat Apr 21 20:03:31 2018 [10129][1][FATAL] Error: File [modules/EmailAddresses/metadata/detailviewdefs.php] is missing. Unable to create because no corresponding HTML file was found.
Mon Apr 23 09:37:58 2018 [23007][cb2d0542-586d-d691-98cd-5a9570fccb9f][FATAL] field_defs should be an array
Mon Apr 23 10:39:06 2018 [3808][cb2d0542-586d-d691-98cd-5a9570fccb9f][FATAL] field_defs should be an array
Mon Apr 23 10:42:19 2018 [4178][cb2d0542-586d-d691-98cd-5a9570fccb9f][FATAL] ERROR: rmdir_recursive(): argument cache/themes/SuiteP/modules is not a file or a dir.
Does this explain something?
Dear Sohaib,
We’ve just updated from 7.10 to 7.10.4 and every single problem I experienced is solved by this update :cheer:
The templates however have some flaws that hopefully will be fixed in the next update, but now at least I can work with it.
I would like to thank you again for the effort you put into this thread to help me out. Really great and very much appreaciated!!
Have a good one.