Bug in 7.8 - checkboxes disabled in listview

When in ListView, if you select all elements in the page you can correctly deselect those you don’t want.

However, if you select all elements via the dropdown menu, the checkboxes are disabled so you have to keep all without the possibility to deselect unwanted elements

Can you please post this issue on our GitHub? who will investigate further to confirm if it is a valid bug :slight_smile:

Done! Issue 3214 ( https://github.com/salesagility/SuiteCRM/issues/3214 )

These are two pictures describing the two behaviours:

Could you please re-open the issue on gitHub?
Someone closed it claiming it isn’t a bug when it clearly is one.
I am trying to find how to solve it and, if I manage, I will also post a PR for this.

Hi amariussi,

This would have to be done by our GitHub team. All PRs are greatly appreciated though


Thanks for the quick response. I have posted a comment on gitHub explaining why it is a bug (and there is already a like!).

Let’s see what’s the response.

I think that I have identified the place where to correct the bug:

in file include/javascript/checkbox.js

However I am not familiar at all how this works so I will have to test thoroughly to make sure that the correction in that file works and creates no damages elsewhere.

If any one knows please post here. Thanks!

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I added a Pul Request on gitHub:
Fix for issue #3214 - Enable checkboxes in listview when select all is performed #3224

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