Broken API

Hi everybody,

After installation of SuiteP theme, the API don’t work. I have maid few after_save hooks and i set some values in the fields with the API, values are push but i’m blocked on the save page. I think few screenshot would help you to understand.

For exemple i have maid a after_save hook for opportunities module, so i go to the detail view of an opportunity and i edit her but when i want to save i’m blocked on this view, my hook make what he need to do but i’m blocked on the edit view:

So i have take a look at the log file error:

So i know it’s a problem with the API but i don’t understand why and how to correct it. And before to upgrade my version of SuiteCRM these hooks worked perfectly.

So please, can anyone help me ?

Best regards.

Has this now been fixed in 7.7.4??


Yes it’s seems to be fixed thank’s.