Bounce Account email Auto-Reply template?

Hi guys.

I’m not sure if I understood the function of the Bounce email account auto-reply template.

  1. Does it relate to leads or contacts?

  2. I made a template with this text, but I am not really certain what is the most accurate thing to write here on this template:

  3. Is the bounce account only for when running a email campaign and email bounces or does it have further functions too?

  4. Finally but last; I don’t fully understand what the function is of this field:
    and should I just add our main in that section and what is the function of it?

I hope you guys can help me shed some light on this.

Thanks a bunch. :smirk:

Kind regards

Hmmmm… :thinking:

Anyone here that could help me and know something about the above subject please?

Thanks in advance.
Kind regards

I am not understanding this… I don’t see how an auto-reply would be appropriate in a bounce account. A bounce account receives emails that failed to be received by some address. I don’t see a point of sending any more email to that address, especially if it is automatic, since it could generate loops (SuiteCRM sending mail, getting an automated bounce, answering with another auto-reply, getting a second bounce for that, etc).

Hi @pgr
Thanks for replying. :smiley:

Well if you go there in the admin section then you will see on the same page the auto-reply function. As per screenshot:

So that is why I am confused about it and how it works. Hence my initial question of the thread.

Kind regards

I am not sure, but I believe those are simply the generic options available when configuring an email account.

But if you decide to use that account as a “bounce handling” account in a campaign, I think it’s better to not have any auto-reply settings in place, otherwise you risk those loops…

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Right, it will probably generate a loop for all eternity.

Thanks pgr. :ok_hand:

Kind regards