I have a blank screen with only the menue. I’m new in this job and get in first this trouble. We have an root-Server which is managed from an external service provider. But he said he is only for monitoring and security updates on this server. Now… i have to solve this problem with the blank screen. And after this i will upgrade to the current version of suitecrm.
After my research in the forum i’ve given all files and folders the permission 755 and the owner group. Also i switched Ajax for all moduls off. But the problem isn’t solved. In the sugarcrm.log i get this error: Unable to load custom logic file: include/SugarSearchEngine/SugarSearchEngineQueueManager.php
I know only a little bit about php so i can’t find the error or the error-log.
The SugarCRM version is 7.2.1 and the php version is 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.25
Create a file called info.php using your text editor, containing this single line:
<?php phpinfo(); ?>
Save this file as info.php
Upload this file into the root web accessible folder on your server.
Now open this file in your browser. For example http:///info.php.
If you have done this right a long page will be displayed with all current settings of php. There you will find the path for php logs.
BTW this is a very old version of SuiteCrm and PHP.
There is no log file path i can find. I have attached the file (the shorted version with the core-informations)
and also the php.ini
But when i’m right, the errorlog is enabled. There are 2 php.ini on the server. One in etc/php5/apache2/ and one in etc/php5/cli/. Which one is the right one?
After this problem i’ll upgrade the SuiteCRM and the PHP Version.
I think this is a vps with debian/ubuntu linux. Am I correct?
The right folder must be /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini , the cli folder is for command line interface settings.
About the permissions, not all folders must have 755, some must be 775 (cache custom modules themes data upload config_override.php). Did you apply the permissions with recursive on?
Find the ;error_log = syslog line in your php.ini and add a line with the following
error_log = /var/log/php.log
Restart the Apache server, access the SuiteCrm again, and then go to /var/log/php.log to see what happened.
Report back here.
You are right with vps ubuntu. Now i have added the line in the php.ini (in etc/php/apache2) and restart the server. After this i’m access the suitecrm but there is no php.log in /var/log/…
I checked dubble but can’t find who is wrong
The permissions at the folders are still in changing to 775
I’ve find some errors in the apache log file. But there are so many that i have no idea where i have to beginn… Can i have a first step for a solution?
According to your last post SuiteCrm can’t find the file include/MassUpdate.php (PHP Warning: require_once(include/MassUpdate.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory). Also a fatal erorr occurs (PHP Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required ‘include/MassUpdate.php’). Search for this MassUpdate.php file inside include folder, does it exist?
Thank you. Yes, i find the file. But it ends now with php.suspected. In different articles i find that the reason probably is a virus. Now SuiteCRM works. But i think i have find a solution for searching the virus.