Blank page when I do any action!


MySQL Ver 8.0.31-0ubuntu0.20.04.1 for Linux on x86_64 ((Ubuntu))

It is not recent, but I do not have any errors to or from the database; it seems it is working and saving everything there.

I only have the error I mentioned here, a blank page after creating, deleting, or editing anything.

@pgr @chirag_biz309
After asking other users, I also want to mention that this problem, β€œBlank white page,” comes only after fixing the DB failure the other week, so it seems related.

You can make a quick test reverting the change made last week and confirming that it solves the current problem (even if it breaks the previous issue again). This would be a useful diagnostic.

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I reverted the change back, and the problem is still there!

I asked Users, and they said this problem was recently, maybe simultaneously with the other one, about one week back. However, nothing in the log files refers to such a problem.

@pgr @chirag_biz309

OK, I found the problem! And It is a stupid thing.

Someone did enable Elasticsearch in the Admin panel!!

Could someone please explain to me why it breaks everything?

I appreciate your patience and help; you are great guys, and sorry for your time.