Blank page when I do any action!

Any idea about how to fix that? :slight_smile:

Did you have a recent database upgrade? Which model and version of database are you running?

I did not upgrade the database, and I don’t know how to tell you the model or database versions. I am using MySQL. Could you please advise?


I’m sure Google has an answer for you…

Why are you talking like that? I thought it was a forum to help beginners coming with problems with the software. I did not change anything to the code and am trying to get help with my problem and learning during the path.

I am not a database guy or a PHP coder, I am still just a user, and I explained what exactly happened to my system. You don’t have to show off that you are really smart and others are stupid and do know nothing!!

You don’t have to reply to my threat if you don’t want to help.



can you share a screenshot of your error?

Do you mean the blank page that I am getting or the Suitecrm log error?


Suitecrm log error screenshot.


@OPS-Hesham you misunderstand the tone of my reply. I did not say I was clever and that you were stupid.

I just know from my looong experience in these forums that when people go into that mode of asking things from other users that they could easily get in a minute by googling, it’s not a good path. You grow dependent on others and you don’t learn. And if I spend my time answering that sort of question I don’t have time to help other people or answer more elaborate questions.

Finally, I didn’t answer you because I don’t know the answer. I’ve done it before, but I forgot how. I’d have to go into Google to be able to answer you. So I advised you to save your time and mine and go directly to Google yourself. No need to take it personally.



I do come here after googling my problem first, trust me.

I did not find any threat on the same issue, only stuff after the new installation, which is not my case. Therefore I asked here. However, excuse me as well. I and others rely on that CRM system; consequently, I am trying to get help ASAP. I will consider your advice next time.



I have checked your problem in my SuiteCRM instance v7.12.7 and PHP v7.4.
When the v7.12.7 instance was installed then I faced a “database failure” error in every module sub-panel. But after fixing this, I get to see sub-panel records of every module perfectly.

I am not facing any problems.

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I have seen the fatal error in your suitecrm.log “Could not connect to DB server localhost as opssuitecrm. port: No such file or directory”, I think due to this your CRM instance does not work properly.

Were you able to find out your MySQL version?

The FATAL errors in your screenshot are not recent; they seem to be earlier than the previous database problem that you solve din the other thread.

Do you have any current errors, do they look the same?

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I just saw that while sending the screenshot to you. However, I did not have any problems before one week, and it seems that the DB server is not connected correctly why. But I have the database filled with new data daily as I use the CRM. I am not sure what is going on.

If I have this error, it means I can not access the database because I can not connect, which is incorrect. So what is going on?


MySQL Ver 8.0.31-0ubuntu0.20.04.1 for Linux on x86_64 ((Ubuntu))

It is not recent, but I do not have any errors to or from the database; it seems it is working and saving everything there.

I only have the error I mentioned here, a blank page after creating, deleting, or editing anything.

@pgr @chirag_biz309
After asking other users, I also want to mention that this problem, “Blank white page,” comes only after fixing the DB failure the other week, so it seems related.

You can make a quick test reverting the change made last week and confirming that it solves the current problem (even if it breaks the previous issue again). This would be a useful diagnostic.

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I reverted the change back, and the problem is still there!

I asked Users, and they said this problem was recently, maybe simultaneously with the other one, about one week back. However, nothing in the log files refers to such a problem.

@pgr @chirag_biz309

OK, I found the problem! And It is a stupid thing.

Someone did enable Elasticsearch in the Admin panel!!

Could someone please explain to me why it breaks everything?

I appreciate your patience and help; you are great guys, and sorry for your time.