Blank Home Page after upgrading to 7.7

I just did the upgrade to 7.7 and the home page is blank - no dashlets. I have the option to add them under the menu but that does nothing - no form brought up.
Iā€™m using IIS 7.
Iā€™ve checked all the permissions on the files and folders, did all the repairs on the js files, etc. with no change.
Any Ideas

Hi KHcrm, do you get anything in your PHP logs, or suitecrm.logs? What version of PHP are you running? What was your upgrade from?

Have you tried repairing your Grouped JS files via Admin > Repair > Rebuild JS Grouping Files?

Server is Windows 2012
PHP 5.6.20
this was an upgrade from 7.3 stepped through to 7.7
Rebuilds and repairs were done after each stage.
Not sure at which version the errors started showing up.

PHP log
Looks like itā€™s canā€™t find the defaultDashlets
[24-Aug-2016 11:41:42 America/New_York] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: defaultDashlets in \custom\modules\Home\dashlets.php on line 8
[24-Aug-2016 11:41:42 America/New_York] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: defaultDashlets in custom\modules\Home\dashlets.php on line 9
[24-Aug-2016 11:41:42 America/New_York] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: dashlets in custom\modules\Home\dashlets.php on line 10
[24-Aug-2016 11:41:51 America/New_York] PHP Warning: Smarty error: unable to read resource: ā€œcustom/include/MySugar/tpls/MySugar.tplā€ in include\Smarty\Smarty.class.php on line 1094

Sugar Log
08/24/16 11:41:09 [2312][-none-][ERROR] Unable to load custom logic file: custom/include/social/hooks.php
08/24/16 11:41:38 [2312][610e8a59-ea9d-9af7-5bc4-55a7f9593023][ERROR] Unable to load custom logic file: custom/include/social/hooks.php
08/24/16 11:41:51 [2312][610e8a59-ea9d-9af7-5bc4-55a7f9593023][ERROR] Unable to load custom logic file: custom/include/social/hooks.php

@KHcrm, How did you solved the issue?