Blank error popup showing for SuiteCRM 8.2.1 & 8.2.0 during install

Extracted SuiteCRM 8.2.1 to a folder in server, set public as domain root and loaded in browser. Shows the install page directly - not showing the license agreement page. Filled all necessary details and a blank red error popup shows up always.

Tested both 8.2.1 and 8.2.0 - gives the same blank error popup.

SuiteCRM 7 was working fine in the same server.

Any ideas would be of great help.

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I think installation is complete, but you wasn’t redirected login page

No. Installation is not completed. This shows right after I click Proceed button. If I reload SuiteCRM again, the same install page appears again. No tables added to database too.

same here. Reload is not helpful, cleaning cache also


Check PHP version here:

Same here, blank message. SuiteCRM 8.2.2. In the console, there is an error:
ERROR Error: Internal server error

Angular 4
    P https://[crm-url]/dist/polyfills-es2015.e450e5585fc067c2eadd.js:1
    Angular 2


	"errors": [
			"message": "Internal server error",
			"extensions": {
				"category": "internal"
			"locations": [
					"line": 2,
					"column": 3
			"path": [
	"data": {
		"createProcess": null

Hi. When you make ref to blank error, is the “famous” red EMPTY box that is been shown in the upper part of the screen?

I am leaving the same nightmare.



Yep, the same :frowning: Quite annoying.

In order to move forward in debugging this, you guys need to go get more information from the two logs

Was there ever a fix for this? same problem here on version 8.2.3!

Been trying for hours, will not install. If I select “populate data” I dont get the red box, but it does not proceed (No error shown) button does nothing.

I get the same blank box during the install.

Fresh install (formated disk)
Ubuntu 22.04
SuiteCRM 8.2.3

error.log - empty
suitecrm.log - empty

The installation script of SuiteCRM is broken. It has been broken since version 7.
It could be helpful and tell you what is wrong.

Compatibility Matrix just shows the level of agility of the driving force behind SuiteCRM. In the compatibility matrix it has just recently dropped the php 7.3 which has long been deprecated by php developers and the driving force behind SuiteCRM still lists the php 7.4 as supported which is also unsupported by php Group. Also the agile driving force behind SuiteCRM does not support the current, already one year old, version in the release channel - the php 8.1. Not to mention php 8.2. I believe this tells a lot about the agility of the driving force behind SuiteCRM.

@ jscastle
You have to select “Populate database with demo data”. The installed does not warn you. But you have to select something.

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This is the CORRECT solution >> If you do not choose Demo data (Yes / No) - the empty red note will display

That is the problem. The installer does not warn you. It gives you empty red box on top of this page. It does not tell you what is wrong.
The installer should tell you what is wrong.

This post brought a smile to my face. I always appreciate a good rant :laughing:

I would just comment that leaving the old PHP versions as compatible is a sign of realism; people out there hang on to old versions for waaaaaay longer than they should. It is a bad idea to keep using an old insecure PHP, but it is not SuiteCRM’s job to cut the compatibility, unless strictly necessary. So people can make their choices. There are many CRM which are not exposed to the Internet, so the risk is different.

You are right about the new versions, of course. SuiteCRM has fallen behind on PHP 8.x support. I know they’re trying to catch up, some devs are using 8.2 on their machines as a way to catch more bugs sooner.

I wish there was a more exhaustive and methodical approach to this process of bringing SuiteCRM up to date with some new PHP version. Currently, it’s more like this: people install the new version even before it’s declared as compatible, and run into all sorts of trouble; then eventually some things are fixed, it is declared compatible, lots of people start using it, and run into all sorts of additional trouble. Slowly, things get reported almost one by one, many small loose PR’s… not a good process at all.

This issue already fix to me.
The popup not show properly. The form for fields “POPULATE DATABASE WITH DEMO DATA?” a litlte bit confuse. I miss to select the option value.

These the action i did.

Go to php.ini to check and enable :-
pdo_mysql and mysqli php extensions

In form page, make sure you put the value