Blank emil get from the CRM instance.


I fount one issue in suiteCRM.

Some time i get the blank email from the installed CRM instance.

How can i stop that in my application.

Many thanks.

Hi there,

When do you receive the email? Is it when a record is assigned? Running on a workflow?



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That i dont know but i get one or two blank email in one day.

The subject also blank. :frowning:

Many Thanks

Hi there,

I would double check that no workflows are firing and disable any cron jobs. Also test assigning records to people to see if you still receive the email.



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Did you get solution for this ? Iā€™m facing the same problem since long.

Hardik V

I observed it, Most of the time this occurs when we are updating or replying email regarding cases.

Yes ,one of my client was also facing the same problem, getting the blank emails from the SuietCRM instance.