in Homescreen you can add dashlets which works great in Suite P Theme but the popup is blank in Suite R and Suite 7 Themes, see Screenshots.
We’re using Suite Version 7.7.5 Sugar Version 6.5.24 (Build 509). Should not be a permission problem, I believe those are set correct (775 / 755). Any Ideas?
There is also no Error logged in apache error.log or suitecrm.logs
So I’ve inspected the add dashlet button in Suite R Theme.
Onclick event is set to call SUGAR.mySugar.showDashletsTree(); which is not defined in MySugar.js (how could a blank popup open?) whereas in Suite P SUGAR.mySugar.showDashletsDialog(); is called. I’ve changed showDashletsTree to showDashletsDialog in Themes/SuiteR/…/home.tpl on line 102 and did rebuilds / cleared cache but the call did not change. Haven’t found any other mention of showDashletsTree() in Themes/.
So I decided to copy & paste the code from showDashletsDialog and name it showDashletsTree in MySugar.js and now the dashlets are displayed correct.
I guess my Suite installation was just messed up? Or did anyone else expierence this issue?
Nope same here, I really hate using the default as it goes off screen and really really slow. I like suite R better… Can you provide the folders to copy from and paste to so I can do the same thing? Thanks
I meant Suite 7 but I can learn to like R too LOL… Thanks a bunch!!! I wasn’t expect to get it the easy way. Thatnks for taking the time to upload that. Doing a quick repair and rebuild as we speak
NOW THAT’S WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT!!! Thanks a bunch! Quick question and only asking in general… Have you ever found a solution to the email campaigns sending the variables to email addresses “$contact_name” instead of the actual name? I see people on here have been asking that for years now