
Trying to install SuiteCRM 7.10.7 in a shared Linux hosting where a new Joomla 3.8 site was installed -same procedure as SuiteCRM- with no problems.

Uploaded files to subdirectory, run install. php and got a blank “Welcome Page”.

Server Info:

  • Linux 4.4.138-1.el6.elrepo.x86_64
  • PHP 7.0.30
  • Web Server: Apache
  • MySQL 5.6.40
  • Joomla 3.8.8 Stable

I much appreciate your help.

Blank / White, not black, right?

Check the source code in your browser to see if anything is served, at all.

If you unzipped into a subdirectory it shouldn’t interfere with or be interfered by Joomla (Joomla is great, btw!)

Yes, you are right I meant White Welcome Page and no interference at all with existing Joomla installation.

Thanks so much, I will try again, check the source code and report.

Also check for server error logs. I don’t know if the program is running or not, so there may or may not be an error log in the suitecrm folder. It’s worth checking.

Did you set your permissions correctly before starting the installation?

Thanks all.
It seems magic; now everything goes fine (I did nothing), but finding problems connecting with the existing MySQL database.
I tried all name, host, … combinations; but when I try to reach the database with Firefox (under https) -user / password- to check everything is fine and I can reach the DB, I must add a security exception to Firefox so it might be the reason.
How to connect SuiteCRM to the DB if a security exception must be added before?

What do you mean “reach the database with Firefox”? You mean phpMyAdmin web interface?

And what is that add security exception you’re talking about? If this is just telling your browser to navigate to a HTTPS page without proper certificate configuration, I don’t see how this relates to SuiteCRM connecting to the database, which is something that happens server-side…

Thanks all for your support.
Magic again, sorry.