Bitnami Suite CRM really slow


Running suite on my local desktop whilst I configure . (Bitnama SuiteCRM 7.10.78 rev.0) and it is really slow when I am using it. I tried increasing the memory in the php.ini-development and php.ini-production files. (filepath: C:\Bitnami\suitecrm-7.10.7-0\php) I have increased the memory to 512M but I have not really seen an improvement.

But I am not very experienced coding and really very lost about how I am supposed to make it go any faster? I have checked all the online manuals I can find.

Thanks Team!

In Admin / Diagnostic, ask for the phpinfo file, and download it and unzip it.

Check what your actual php.ini file path is, to make sure you’re changing in the right place (and restart your web server).

You can also check in phpinfo how much memory_limit effective value is.

Thanks trying that now. :smiley:

It worked thank you!