My intention is to get reports on aniversaries. Birthdays, baptisms, marriage, death aniversaries (I am using suitecrm for our parish administration).
I did it the “dirty way”:
Report: Contact Birthday=date=today - years 1
Then I repeated this process from “- years 2” until “-years 100”
I have to do it for all the other aniversaries. Which is not a big deal since I can download the “report template” edit the necessary changes and then upload it as a new templates.
BUT: do any of you know a less “dirty way” to achieve the same?
I do send them e-mail (or in most cases an actual letter because they are around 80 years old).
But the problem again with workflows is that it does not repeat every year. So far as I know, the sytem understands “Birthday” as dd/mm/yyyy and also “Today” as dd/mm/yyyy. So, today will not mach the birthday. Is there a way for the system only to take in consideration dd/mm and ignore yyyy?
With workflow the only way I see would be creating an new field like “NextBirthDay”. Which would match to “today” creating an “alert” or “email” and then “edit record” to “today + 1 year”. That would probably work. And I guess I will implement it that way.
So, thanks to point that out.