birthday reminders

is it possible send email birthday reminders a day before the birthday so that we can send a greeting to the client and employment

same problem with us any body help for the same

Same here and if anyone can give us a yes or no answer whether this is possible or not, much appreciate …

You should easily be able to create a workflow rule that does this.

You would run the workflow against the module that has the birthday.

I think this would do it.

Hi dalethomasnyc, thanks for the suggestion - I have tried your workflow method for LEADS module but it does not work all. As soon as I created the workflow the send email ACTION to leads kicked in, but all statuses are showing “Failed” (see status column in my screenshot). I have tested that the email function is working fine in my suiteCRM installation. See below screenshot again, with my setting the last part of the CONDITIONS setting is: Now -> 2 -> Days. Also notice the Process Audit section at the bottom and look at the Dated Created column and Date Modified column (Date Modified column is changed according to cron I guess).

Basically I created the workflow on 03/07/2014 and for testing purposes, some leads birth date were set as 06/07/2014 on purpose. The workflow action to send emails should start sending email on 05/07/2014 (Now -> 2 -> Days) but nothing happens . . . shame that it did not work at the end :frowning:

I asked will about re-occuring tasks. Something I need to do like you and he indicated it can’t be done for now. Sorry man.

The problem of this solution is that the year part won’t match

Hi there,

Not quite the solution you are searching for, but I had a similar problem on getting a dashlet of the Accounts filtered by the birthday to them the backoffice call client with special promotion.
The problem was exactly the year part of the birthday.

I think one not quite pretty workaround is using logic hooks to extract the day and month part of the birthday to update 2 custom separate fields that could be them used as conditions to the workflow.

For my case I had the luck to find a module from Arno van den Brink to get a custom dashlet that filters contacts by their birthday. As I had birthday also and mostly on accounts so I had to change it to work with accounts module with a field named account_birthday_c

If is useful I’ve attached both.

Another way to send birthday emails using the workflow :

  • Add a custom field to the contact form (this field will be used as a trigger for the sent birthday email workflow process)
  • Create a bash script on your server to update the custom field based on the contact birthday date ( A yes or no as values will do)
  • Create a cron job on your server to run the script daily (I scheduled it right after midnight)
  • Create your workflow as you would do normally make sur to chose your custom field as condition with the value ‘yes’)

You are done

How can I utilize these dashlets? I’m not sure if I am supposed to import them or install them somehow. Please help…

Thank you @dalethomasnyc but it doesn’t work for me also. @mmendes thanks.