I have a few questions on running the Outlook Plugin (any version) in a debuggers session or unit test in Visual Studio 2015.
I have created a console project to try and call functions in the addin and the client projects, but could use some workflow advice. What functions, and in what order should I call to effectively test and debug the code?
If I want to do a “live test”, what DLLs go where, in order to manually install to Outlook 2010. Any workflow tips here would also be appreciated. So far, I’m thinking:
- Uninstall previous versions
- Restart Outlook
- Restart Windows?
- Rebuild solution
- Get DLL files from addin and client debug/release bin folders
- Drop the appropriate DLL files (which ones?) in the appropriate folders (where?)
- Restart Outlook
- Restart Windows?
- Start Outlook: File -> Options -> Addins -> Manage COM Addins -> set Addin checkbox to checked
- Restart Outlook
- PROFIT! (sorry, couldn’t resist - grin)
Thanks - I am trying to get by without Installshield, so I am reduced to doing things manually