Hi All,
It’s lockdown lets do the jobs I was putting off…
I’m upgrading from Version 7.8.17 Sugar Version 6.5.25 (Build 344) to SuiteCRM-Upgrade-7.8.x-to-7.10.25. Once I’ve done that I’ll upgrade to SuiteCRM-Upgrade-7.10.x-to-7.10.25.
But the best laid plans…
I’m getting file permission errors. I’ve done a repair and rebuild. I also found an article saying I should issue the following, which I did.
sudo chmod -R 755 .
sudo chmod -R 775 cache custom modules themes data upload config_override.php
I issued it from the suite crm folder with the following structure in it . I got an error on the override.php file though
cache dictionary.php index.php metadata service TreeData.php
campaign_tracker.php download.php install ModuleInstall soap upload
composer.json emailmandelivery.php install.php modules soap.php vcal_server.php
composer.lock export.php json_server.php pdf.php SugarSecurity.php vCard.php
cron.php files.md5 jssource php_version.php sugar_version.json XTemplate
crossdomain.xml HandleAjaxCall.php LICENSE.txt README.md sugar_version.php Zend
custom ical_server.php log_file_restricted.html robots.txt suitecrm_version.php
data include maintenance.php run_job.php themes
But I still got the following error.
What should the permissions be? is there anything I’m missing?
File Permissions: [Show Files with Bad Permissions](javascript:void(0);%20toggleNwFiles(%22filesNw%22)
File Name Permissions Owner Group
/var/www/html/suitecrm/suitecrm.log.2 0644 root root
/var/www/html/suitecrm/modules/Emails/Dashlets/MyEmailsDashlet/MyEmailsDashlet.php.original 0755 root root
/var/www/html/suitecrm/modules/AOD_Index/Index/backup.sql 0644 root root