"Bad data passed in; Return to Home" When seleting multipage leads to add in the Target list


Did you figure out any solution for the issue. I am having the same issue.

Here they found a patch!

Thank You So much.

I get this error too. This might be still unfixed.

@meritonf after taking the trouble to go and read 4 of your other posts, I gather your SuiteCRM version is 7.9.8. So what is the surprised if it isnā€™t fixed? Youā€™re 10 versions behindā€¦

But the post here is about version 7.8.3 so in version 7.9.8 should be fixed I guess.

Maybe youā€™re right, I donā€™t know when the fix was merged, into what versions, whether it went into all branchesā€¦

But i havenā€™t seen anyone complain about this for a long time. Can you try upgrading, at least in a test environment, to see if it solves your problem?