Automatic fill-up custom field with audit log data (view change log)

Hello everyone,

We are planning to create custom fields in the module. The user will have task checkbox and then date field besides it. So, when a user checked box, then date field should automatically get filled with the date from the audit log(view change log). Is it possible to do it? Is it complicated to build?

This is standard behaviour, no customization necessary. Simply check off “audit” in the field definition in studio.


Then the results appear in the record change log:


Sorry, reading it again, you want to capture the date changed in a field. Just do a work flow and on any change in the checkbox, populate your date field with “today”.

That’s a good idea :bulb: I think I can create a workflow for all custom fields, so date field will get auto filled. Thanks!

Also, if we want to capture and store the user’s name, could we use workflow for it?

I don’t see anwhere in workflow where you can get current user. Not even in calculated fields.

If that is necessary, you’ll need to write a before save hook.