Auto hide/auto collapse empty Subpanels

How does it possible to auto hide/auto collapse empty Subpanels?

I will pay 50$ for code that will hide all empty Subpannels in specific module.
If someone else need that feature, let’s try to collect money(100-200$) for a guy, who will write that code and guide for everybody on that forum.
SuiteCRM version 7.5
my skype: mantik58

Try adding these lines to config_override.php:

$sugar_config['hide_subpanels'] = true; 
$sugar_config['hide_subpanels_on_login'] = true;

I haven’t tested it but I assume it should work.

But it will hide all subpanels, not only empty, no?

My understanding is that this should hide empty subpanels everywhere.

It should not do it selectively on predetermined modules though. (the subjet of the thread asks for all empty subpanels and this should do it, however in the text of your second post you specify “in specific module”, and this should not work for that: sorry!)

I repeat I haven’t tried it so beware that what I am saying may be wrong and if it is please accept my apologies.

Sad, it doesn’t work in that way. But anyway thanks.

This setting only applies to modules running in Backward Compatibility Mode. When a DetailView is loaded, all subpanels are collapsed. Collapsing subpanels on load increases performance by not querying for data until a user explicitly expands a subpanel.

This setting only applies to modules running in backward compatibility mode. Collapses subpanels per session. When a DetailView is initially loaded during a session, all subpanels are collapsed. Once explanded, it will remain expanded until the user logs out. Collapsing subpanels on load increases performance by not querying for data until a user explicitly expands a subpanel.

Hi guys, it’s still relevant

I will pay 50$ for code that will hide all empty Subpannels in specific module.
If someone else need that feature, let’s try to collect money(100-200$) for a guy, who will write that code and guide for everybody on that forum.
SuiteCRM version 7.5
my skype: mantik58

Here is solution

for an contact module in detail view we can inline edit the fields in detail view but not in sub pannels can we achieve it?