Auto fill the fields in invoices

Hello Is there a way to autofill the fields in suiteCRM using just relationship? Any insight would be helpful.

Hi, welcome to the Community! :tada:

What exactly do you mean by this part?:


Do you search this? Look at the posts:

Hello, Thank you.
I wanted to say that, how to autofill data from one module to another module? for instance if I fill in details in the quote section then I should be able to auto fill the same details into invoices section when I write the title, it should automatically extract the details and autofill. Is this possible using developer tool?

It is possible using a bit of custom PHP code, or an add-on such as my PowerFields.

Some things might also be possible after saving the record, from the Workflow module, with calculated fields.

Beside the above options. We have my old time favorite: LogicHooks: