Anyone know how to customize the automatic assignment notification email templates? I know its located in include/language/en_us.notify_template.html, (or in my case: custom/include/language/en_us.notify_template.html) but is there a way to, for lack of a better term, “make them pretty”?
Basically i’d like to add an HTML template so the notifications aren’t just plain unformatted text. similar to the attached.
Well, there is a workaround without programming, but it may require some effort…
First, disable notifications on admin / email configuration.
Then go to workflows and create a workflow that sends an email when a record is created.
The boring thing is that you’re gonna need to create one workflow for each module you want notifications. The good news is that once you’ve created a workflow that fulfills your needs, you can duplicate it.
I’m working on an issue related to problems in the translation system that involves en_us.notify_template.html.
For this I had to understand exactly what the code is doing to HTML tags and, while fixing the issue, I think I managed to make a lot more HTML go from the template into the final email.
However, the sort of HTML you can send in emails is always quite limited, because email clients (notably the online Gmail) strip away anything they don’t like. When making changes make sure to test on several different email clients to see how it renders.
But I think in the next version of SuiteCRM (or two versions from now) you might have a chance to improve the looks of the emails significantly.