Assign the value of the name field programmatically from the name value of a field of type relate

In a custom module I must assign a value to the name field programmatically.

This value is obtained from the concatenation of the values of two fields. One of these fields is of relational type and when trying to obtain its value in the before_save and after_save hooks I get null so I cannot use it for the desired purpose.

This works if I edit a custom module record. Specifically in the after_save hook

I thought I could run a scheduler, which would look for the records with name field empty and assign a value

Is there another approach to achieve the desired behavior?

Share the full code of your hook. It’s likely that you simply need to load_relationship before you can use the field value.

Thanks for consulting. I have achieved the expected behavior using the before_save and after_relationship_add hooks

Implemented as follows

public/legacy/custom/modules/<custom module>/logic_hooks.php


$hook_version = 1;
$hook_array = [];
$hook_array['before_save'] = [];
$hook_array['after_relationship_add'] = [];

$hook_array['before_save'][] = [
    'Set name',
    'custom/modules/<custom module>/hooks/CommentHook.php',

$hook_array['after_relationship_add'][] = [
     'Set name',
     'custom/modules/<custom module>/hooks/CommentHook.php',

public/legacy/custom/<custom module>/hooks/CommentHook.php


class CommentHook
    public function beforeSave($bean, $event, $arguments): bool
        $performances = $bean->comment_artists->get();

        if (!count($performances)) {
            return true;

        $performanceBean = BeanFactory::getBean('artists', $performances[0]);
        $bean->name = $performanceBean->name . ' '. $bean->section;

        return true;

     public function afterRelationshipAdd($bean, $event, $arguments): bool
         $performanceBean = $arguments['related_bean'];
         $bean->name = $performanceBean->name . ' '. $bean->section_c;

         return true;

I hope it is useful to someone

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