Assign Task to multiple users

How do I assign a task to random 2 or more users (who can be in different security groups) ?

I’ll mention a use case scenario which will clarify the question a bit. For example, if I (administrator) have to assign a task ‘Dispatch Goods’ to 3 users in three different locations and in different security groups how do I do that?

Hi sid,

You cannot assign a task to multiple users. You can however assign a task to multiple groups.



Thanks Will.

Hi Will,
Please how can I assign a Task to Group?

When I open an Account, and click on assign to, there is no way to select group.

It’ll be on the detail view after you save the task in the Security Groups subpanel. You can select which groups to add there.

Hi folks

This is probably NOT the behaviour that you want to set up. A Task by definition should have an owner / assignee, even in the case of accept or reject the task MUST remain the responsibility of a single person.
Otherwise, who of the 3 assigned people is going to take it, and who do you hold responsible for its delivery.

I can see and would accept a case for task assignment to a group, but these should not be critical or time bound.

In the use case you provided, it sounds like you have 3 depots, and in this case you want 3 tasks one assigned to each depot.

Hope this is useful

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Thanks for the insight. I now see the reason for restriction to single person.

Well, I have a similar issue:
We have two employees (two users), who are in charge for the equipment maintenance (one function).
As the employees can change, I would like to assign accounts or contacts or tasks and equipments, etc. to the function and not to the person.
any suggestions for that?

it sounds like a very simple case - (maybe I am missing something?

Create a new user ‘Mr_ToBeDone’- for tasks for the two people - ‘whilst they are not worked on yet

let all 3 users, see each other’s Tasks.

So the 2 humans can see the Tasks for user Mr_ToBeDone - when they grab a task, they then change ownership to themselves.

To add icing on the cake - create a Saved Filter for them: which finds Tasks for both:

  • the user themselves
  • Mr ToBeDone