API V8 Setup Issues


I am trying to use the V8 API but can not get it to work.

I just get 404 not found errors for anything I try. e.g. if I try and get the access token I get

The requested URL /Api/access_token was not found on this server.

I have an SSL on the server.
I have done Generate private and public.key for OAUTH2 from the maual
I have done Update encryption key from the manual

BUT still no luck, any pointers on how I can the V8 API to work.

Any help much appreciated

Hi joenineo,

This is likely due to inaccuracies with the V8 API documentation (Something I’ll be looking at this week). I can confirm that Api/access_token is the correct URL so it’s likely something else is wrong with your authentication.

I’d potentially look at double-checking the permissions are correct on the Oauth2 keys along with rebuilding htacess and running a composer install.

I would also suggest giving this PR a try: https://github.com/salesagility/SuiteCRM/pull/7198. This contains a robo task which will allow you to quickly set up the API and get a postman collection for the environment and endpoints.

Thanks for getting in touch.

I have managed to get it working now. Main issues were:

mod_rewrite wasn’t enabled
AllowOverride None in apache2.cnf for www (or the sub folder you might use) folder should be AllowOverride All
I then used postman to get the correct PHP code to request to the API.

So all good now, thanks.