API v8 - Filter by relationship

In the current version 7.11.20, it seams still not be possible to filter by a field of a related module.

I found this doc page
it differs much to the offical version at

and I don’t know for what version this doc is.

Currently there is no possibility to simply filter for an email address and get all accounts for it.
It is possible to filter by the primary email1 and it is possible to get the EmailAddress record
but then there is no possibility to query the related/parent accounts for the EmailAddress record.

How to:
GET /api/v8/modules/Accounts?filter[Accounts.Contacts.date_modified]=[[gt]]2017-11-17T11:40:00+00:00
to work?

Or how to query an account by its 2nd or 3th email over the API?