Hi everyone!
How is someone supposed to use the v8 API to add an email address to an Account?
I’ve tried adding it contextually to the Account creation (using the “relationships” parameter) but it looks like SuiteCRM expects the email address to already exist? If that’s the case, how do I create an EmailAddress bean? There’s no “EmailAddress” module that I can POST to, afaik.
Thanks in advance!
I stand corrected, there’s an “EmailAddresses” module that I can use I’ll try creating the email addresses and the binding them to the Account object
YES it worked! For the record, here’s what I am POSTing:
POST v8/modules/EmailAddresses
{'data': {'attributes': {'email_address': 'email1@test.com',
'email_address_caps': 'EMAIL1@TEST.COM'},
'type': 'EmailAddresses'}}
POST v8/modules/EmailAddresses
{'data': {'attributes': {'email_address': 'email2@test.com',
'email_address_caps': 'EMAIL2@TEST.COM'},
'type': 'EmailAddresses'}}
POST v8/modules/Accounts
{'data': {'attributes': {'account_type': 'CP',
'billing_address_city': 'test',
'billing_address_country': 'test1',
'billing_address_postalcode': 'test2',
'billing_address_state': 'test3',
'billing_address_street': 'test4',
'description': 'testing API',
'name': 'random name',
'phone_fax': 'random fax',
'phone_office': 'random phone',
'website': 'www.site.com'},
'relationships': {'email_addresses': {'data': [{'id': '11a64ca8-fe92-9d8e-22f1-5b45cf4f7e88',
'type': 'EmailAddress'},
{'id': '28f7bc22-7ebc-6560-01e3-5b45cfcd47cf',
'type': 'EmailAddress'}]}},
'type': 'Accounts'}}
(the ids are returned by the first two POSTs)