Apache DocumentRoot and bad SuiteCRM screen format

Hi All, I am activating access to SuiteCRM so I need to map on the roouter a public IP address to the internal server

Public IP A.B.C.D
Internal IP

Apache configured with 2 Virtualhosts, one on port 80, other on port 2020

I want to achieve this: from Internet http://A.B.C.D:2020 —> SuiteCRM login page

Router has the promer mapping A.B.C.D:2020 -->

I have configured Apache httpd.conf adding this to responf to requests on port 2020

<VirtualHost *:2020>
DocumentRoot C:/xampp/htdocs/suitecrm/index.php

Unfortunately the formatting of the CRM login page is bad, images are lost etc… looks like setting the DocumentRoot like that is not good for SugarCRM

If I remove the DocumentRoot in httpd.conf and type form Internet the full path A.B.C.D.2020//suitecrm/index.php it works perfect

What is wrong with this?



Adding the msgs in php_error.log

[12-Mar-2015 15:02:27 Europe/Berlin] PHP Warning: session_destroy(): Session object destruction failed in C:\xampp\htdocs\suitecrm\include\MVC\SugarApplication.php on line 111

[12-Mar-2015 15:02:27 Europe/Berlin] PHP Warning: session_destroy(): Session object destruction failed in C:\xampp\htdocs\suitecrm\include\MVC\SugarApplication.php on line 111

[12-Mar-2015 15:02:27 Europe/Berlin] PHP Warning: session_destroy(): Session object destruction failed in C:\xampp\htdocs\suitecrm\include\MVC\SugarApplication.php on line 111

[12-Mar-2015 15:02:29 Europe/Berlin] PHP Warning: session_destroy(): Session object destruction failed in C:\xampp\htdocs\suitecrm\include\MVC\SugarApplication.php on line 111

[12-Mar-2015 15:02:30 Europe/Berlin] PHP Warning: session_destroy(): Session object destruction failed in C:\xampp\htdocs\suitecrm\include\MVC\SugarApplication.php on line 111

Solved, wrong Directives in httpd.conf


<VirtualHost *:2020>
DocumentRoot C:/xampp/htdocs/suitecrm/index.php


<VirtualHost *:2020>
DocumentRoot “/xampp/htdocs/suitecrm/”

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