AOW Assign Leads based on city or zipcodes

my needs would be to create a workflow and assign leads based on the leads area for example city or zipcodes.

We can assume i’ve created a custom module where every salesman has its own cities or zipcode assigned.

for example:

salesman 1 -> new york city
salesman 2 -> atlanta
salesman 1 -> zipcode xxxxxx
salesman 2 -> zipcode yyyyyy

Ok, now the question is…how can i create a workflow like this:

when the lead city is XXX or lead zipcode is YYY than assign that lead to salesman 1?

It would be good even if just one of thiese criteria can be achieved…

Thank you

To assign a new lead based on the city you could try the criteria below:

Thank you.
I’m sure that in this case it works but i should create one workflow per city…huge work

Instead i would ask for an automated way to do it.

Create a custom module with salesman and city references and a workflow that relate lead city with corresponding salesman in a custom module.

Any idea?

Thank you

and…is there any way to insert multiple condition in aow where the statement use OR operator…?


if city is NY or ATL or ORD oer MIA then assign to salesman1

Thank you