AOR: Date parameter doesn't work with 'Equals' operator (GitHub issue #3366)


I am on SuiteCRM 7.8.8 (LTS branch), German language pack by diligent and running on CentOS7. As said before, I continue to be impressed of what is possible with it and has been made available to the community. Presently I am investigating to implement SuiteCRM for a heritage railway.

Unfortunately, I believe I am experiencing GitHub issue 3366 when creating a report. My intention is to filter a list of offer records for all records on an event date (custom date field). Unfortunately, the value returned by the date picker does not return any records (user profile specified date format
I only get the desired offer records listed if I manually type in the date in format mm–dd-yyyy.

I believe this is the issue fixed with #3366. Is there any chance that this fix could make it into one of the next LTS releases?
Unfortunately, going to the 7.9.x branch is presently not an option for my project.

Needless to say, help would be appreciated!
